Cloud of Witnesses

by Type



Are typical Bible studies designed to do either by yourself or as a small group to study and learn together.


Devotional Articles

Consider a character but with optional discussion questions. If you want to use them as a group we suggest that everyone reads the article first, and then you can discuss issues it raises using the questions.

3 Ways

3 Ways

Give you options, 3 ways of using the same study; an inductive method, a question & answer method and a devotional method. You could do one or more of these steps to really get to grips with the character.


Unravelling the Threads

There are many men and women in the Bible who 'pop up' from time to time across large chunks of scripture. They're not usually the main character in a story, but often play a crucial 'supporting role'. These studies are designed to help you read through longer passages, and track with that character, 'unravelling the threads' of their story - to see what we can learn from men and women of God over a period of time. We suggest that you read them with your Bible open beside you so you can read the appropriate passages and not just take our word for it!