Cloud of Witnesses

Encounter the men and women of Scripture

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
Hebrews 12:1


Rebuke and Redemption

Gehazi, the little-known servant of Elisha gets a bad press – and he certainly has his flaws, however his story is more complicated than we might have considered. It shows that even those who make terrible errors are not beyond the compassion of God, and I suspect he’d be whispering to us all to learn from his mistakes whilst knowing God’s grace never runs out.

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Tags: faith forgiveness money integrity


A safe pair of hands

Overlooked by modern readers, always in the background of Paul's letters, but pivotal to his ministry, Tychicus was clearly a pillar of the early church. Traveller, comforter, messenger and exhorter this is a man who poured out his life in service of the gospel. In a world where people crave 'likes' and want things to be instant, he demonstrates a life of unassuming but faithful service we could all learn a thing or two from.

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Tags: courage faith integrity leadership relationships

Shiprah, Puah and the defiant women of Exodus 1

Fighting evil however we can

Things were bleak for God’s people in Exodus Chapter 1; tyranny appeared to be winning. And yet, 5 women and girls fought back with whatever power they had. This ancient story resonates with so much of the horror we see across the world today but offers hope and inspiration for us all to challenge evil whatever our circumstances.

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Tags: children courage family initiative suffering violence

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