Cloud of Witnesses

Studies tagged with 'integrity'

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In it for the long haul!

Do you feel positive about your life – or have you been disappointed by the shape it’s taken? If you feel that you’ve taken a battering and wonder where God is in that, or how to hold on to him, Anna is a great example of someone who worked that out.  If you want someone to inspire you to keep going, through thick and thin then this woman might be just what you need.

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Tags: faith integrity relationships suffering


The Romantic hero of the Bible?  An Old Testament Mr Darcy? Boaz is one of the good guys but he’s not someone we might immediately identify as ‘heroic’. He wasn’t a soldier, a king or a prophet – he was just an honourable guy, who feared God and kept the law. Not dramatic, but a mighty man of God none the less.

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Tags: courage faith integrity money relationships


Pick a side

As Spiderman famously said 'With great power comes great responsibility'. Eli could have done with that advice! If you've ever struggled to do the right thing, or to stand your ground and have integrity in your faith - here's a man to learn from; High Priest of Israel - but a man whose heart and actions didn't always match. Take a look, but be warned - it's not a pretty story!

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Tags: integrity courage family leadership


God in Control

‘If I die, I die!’ The words of a young woman trapped in the court of a Babylonian dictator. Esther is inspiring for anyone who finds themselves trying to follow God in situations beyond their control. If you feel in need some courage – Esther’s your girl!

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Tags: courage faith integrity initiative


Rebuke and Redemption

Gehazi, the little-known servant of Elisha gets a bad press – and he certainly has his flaws, however his story is more complicated than we might have considered. It shows that even those who make terrible errors are not beyond the compassion of God, and I suspect he’d be whispering to us all to learn from his mistakes whilst knowing God’s grace never runs out.

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Tags: faith forgiveness money integrity


A Reputation worth having!

What do you think your reputation is? What would you like it to be? Who do you go to for advice when you’re in a dilemma? What sort of help do you seek out? Huldah is a relatively unknown prophetess from times of great trouble in Judah. She offered wise, godly, honest council to those who needed help. She offers us an example of how to ‘speak the truth in love’, rather than speak the truth unkindly, or avoid the truth rather than cause offense. Take a look, see how she might inspire you!

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Tags: courage faith gifts integrity leadership

John Mark

A man who blew it

John Mark blew it, let his team down, bottled out. This study looks at second chances, how we react to mistakes (both our own & others) what the bible teaches about forgiveness, and the potential God sees even in those who are less than perfect!

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Tags: forgiveness relationships integrity gifts


Friends to the end

Jonathan is one of my favourite men of the Old Testament. If they made a film of his story I’m sure someone muscular and dashing would get the part! He’s a proper ‘boy’s own’ action hero, but he’s also a man who is often overshadowed by his great friend King David.

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Tags: conflict courage integrity relationships


Life is a roller coaster!’ So said Westlife, Joseph would probably agree. If yours feels like that sometimes too, it might be worth considering his story ( It’s not just about technicolour dreamcoats you know!)

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Tags: faith forgiveness integrity leadership suffering

Naaman's Slave girl

A Nameless Girl with Remarkable Faith

How can we hold on to God when everything is going wrong? How can we genuinely sing, ‘When the darkness closes in, still I will say ‘blessed be the name of the Lord’’? Here’s a little girl who might inspire us in what it means to follow God when we are in a dark place personally!

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Tags: courage faith integrity suffering

Pilate's Wife

Sometimes it can feel as if we are banging our head against a brick wall, nothing we try seems to make any difference. If that’s the case then Pontius Pilate’s unnamed wife can be an encouragement to us. When we do the right thing – regardless of the outcome – God takes notice and the cry, ‘Well done, good & faithful servant’ rings across time & history. Take a look at a woman who tried to do the right thing.

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Tags: integrity initiative


A God of generosity

In the middle of a dark time in Israel’s history one story shines out, little people who obey God and are honoured by him. It may be the ‘chick lit’ of the Bible, but the book of Ruth has lessons for us all ( Both men & women!) about what courage and integrity mean.

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Tags: courage faith relationships money integrity suffering


What will everyone think of me?

The first anointed King of Israel, a man chosen by God to lead yet someone who was far more worried about courting popularity than obeying God, always asking ‘what will everyone think of me?’ If that’s a challenge you face take a look at Saul’s story – see if there’s anything you could learn!

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Tags: leadership self-esteem faith integrity


A God of wisdom

Ever felt out of your depth? Done your best but not quite got it right? Solomon would empathise with that. Taken from the start of his reign (before it all went wrong!) this study looks at how God equips people to do what he’s asked of them.

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Tags: leadership money integrity


A safe pair of hands

Overlooked by modern readers, always in the background of Paul's letters, but pivotal to his ministry, Tychicus was clearly a pillar of the early church. Traveller, comforter, messenger and exhorter this is a man who poured out his life in service of the gospel. In a world where people crave 'likes' and want things to be instant, he demonstrates a life of unassuming but faithful service we could all learn a thing or two from.

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Tags: courage faith integrity leadership relationships