Cloud of Witnesses

Studies tagged with 'money'

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Speaking up!

Jesus told his disciples, ‘You don’t have because you don’t ask’. But when should we ask & when should we keep quiet? Whether you open your mouth too much, or not enough, Aschah is a good example of someone who asked for the right thing, in the right way at the right time.

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Tags: courage relationships money initiative


The Romantic hero of the Bible?  An Old Testament Mr Darcy? Boaz is one of the good guys but he’s not someone we might immediately identify as ‘heroic’. He wasn’t a soldier, a king or a prophet – he was just an honourable guy, who feared God and kept the law. Not dramatic, but a mighty man of God none the less.

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Tags: courage faith integrity money relationships


Rebuke and Redemption

Gehazi, the little-known servant of Elisha gets a bad press – and he certainly has his flaws, however his story is more complicated than we might have considered. It shows that even those who make terrible errors are not beyond the compassion of God, and I suspect he’d be whispering to us all to learn from his mistakes whilst knowing God’s grace never runs out.

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Tags: faith forgiveness money integrity


Passing on her blessings

In a time of Credit crunch, where money is a touchy subject, and yet where so much of the world has always had so little; how can we - as God's children - respond? Joanna was a lady transformed by meeting Jesus, who provides us with a great example of just that - how to partner with Jesus & use our money wisely. Take a look.

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Tags: faith gifts initiative money


Although she’s only mentioned once in the Bible – for 2 verses Phoebe is a significant woman, and a great example of how doing some detective work in scripture can pay off and teach us things we’d have normally skipped over.

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Tags: gifts leadership money


A God of generosity

In the middle of a dark time in Israel’s history one story shines out, little people who obey God and are honoured by him. It may be the ‘chick lit’ of the Bible, but the book of Ruth has lessons for us all ( Both men & women!) about what courage and integrity mean.

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Tags: courage faith relationships money integrity suffering


A God of wisdom

Ever felt out of your depth? Done your best but not quite got it right? Solomon would empathise with that. Taken from the start of his reign (before it all went wrong!) this study looks at how God equips people to do what he’s asked of them.

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Tags: leadership money integrity


An extraordinary, ordinary woman

Jesus said ‘the poor will always be with you’ (Matt 26.11). It’s true, but as Christians how do we start to help those in trouble? Tabitha was a compassionate, generous, inspiring woman – she might just give you some ideas of how to start showing God’s love to those in need.

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Tags: money relationships initiative self-esteem gifts

The Shunammite Woman

Faith and Disappointment

How do people grow in faith? What about when things don’t work out the way we hoped? A woman from the distant past, from a place called Shunem might give us some pointers.

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Tags: faith initiative money suffering