Cloud of Witnesses

Studies tagged with 'self-esteem'

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Calm in a crisis

How do you handle conflict? Are you good in a crisis or do you panic? Ever wondered why God made you look the way you do? Abigail is a remarkable woman, caught between two huge ego’s she shows initiative, wisdom and courage – Jesus said ‘blessed are the peacemakers’, Abigail is definitely one of those!

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Tags: courage initiative self-esteem conflict


Living in someone else's shadow

If you’ve ever felt overlooked, or in someone else’s shadow Andrew might be a helpful person for you to think about. Brother to Peter, friends with James & John, Andrew had unique qualities that weren’t high profile but made him indispensible. Encourageing for those who serve ‘behind the scenes’ and a chance to think about where we get our security from!

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Tags: relationships self-esteem gifts


Not the usual type of leader!

If you’ve ever felt odd, not quite fitting with everyone else, a bit of a misfit, then Ehud is your man. An unusual choice as a leader, God picked a man no one else would have looked at to rescue his people. Definitely encouraging for those who don’t quite tick all the normal boxes!

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Tags: leadership self-esteem courage gifts


Hidden potential to lead

Do you ever doubt God? Or yourself? Do you wonder what on earth is going on with your life? Gideon lived in a time when his whole nation was asking the question - ‘What is God playing at?’ God’s answer was to take Gideon on a journey, to discover both God and his own role in being part of the solution. This study, looking at the beginning of Gideon’s journey with God might give you some food for thought on those questions you have.

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Tags: leadership self-esteem faith gifts


Have you ever felt overlooked? Taken for granted? Are there times when it seems like no one notices or cares what you do? Do you sometimes feel like the odd one out – a woman in a man’s world maybe? Meet Junia, and her husband Andronicas – the forgotten apostle, a woman worth reflecting on.

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Tags: leadership initiative courage gifts self-esteem faith

Leah and Rachel

Not so happy families!

Most of us dream of a happy family. TV adverts show loving parents, laughing children, doting grandparents and bounding pets, the reality is not quite like that for most of us though! Still, that’s not a new thing, ever since Cain killed Abel, brothers and sisters have been fighting. There really is nothing new under the sun... read on: Eastenders meets the Patriarchs!

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Tags: relationships conflict self-esteem


What will everyone think of me?

The first anointed King of Israel, a man chosen by God to lead yet someone who was far more worried about courting popularity than obeying God, always asking ‘what will everyone think of me?’ If that’s a challenge you face take a look at Saul’s story – see if there’s anything you could learn!

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Tags: leadership self-esteem faith integrity


An extraordinary, ordinary woman

Jesus said ‘the poor will always be with you’ (Matt 26.11). It’s true, but as Christians how do we start to help those in trouble? Tabitha was a compassionate, generous, inspiring woman – she might just give you some ideas of how to start showing God’s love to those in need.

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Tags: money relationships initiative self-esteem gifts


The woman who refused to be a Victim

Low self esteem? The victim of bad relationships? Many of us struggle with experiences we’ve had that have crushed our confidence, made us feel useless or worthless. Tamar is a young woman who’d recognise those experiences. She might also inspire us to re-think how we see ourselves, and view our futures.

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Tags: courage relationships conflict initiative self-esteem suffering