Cloud of Witnesses

Studies tagged with 'courage'

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Calm in a crisis

How do you handle conflict? Are you good in a crisis or do you panic? Ever wondered why God made you look the way you do? Abigail is a remarkable woman, caught between two huge ego’s she shows initiative, wisdom and courage – Jesus said ‘blessed are the peacemakers’, Abigail is definitely one of those!

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Tags: courage initiative self-esteem conflict


Speaking up!

Jesus told his disciples, ‘You don’t have because you don’t ask’. But when should we ask & when should we keep quiet? Whether you open your mouth too much, or not enough, Aschah is a good example of someone who asked for the right thing, in the right way at the right time.

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Tags: courage relationships money initiative


Do I have to do it all by myself?

Has God ever asked you to do something you were afraid of? Do you find it easier to rely on other people than on God? This man’s story might give you some things to think about.

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Tags: leadership faith courage gifts


The Romantic hero of the Bible?  An Old Testament Mr Darcy? Boaz is one of the good guys but he’s not someone we might immediately identify as ‘heroic’. He wasn’t a soldier, a king or a prophet – he was just an honourable guy, who feared God and kept the law. Not dramatic, but a mighty man of God none the less.

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Tags: courage faith integrity money relationships


Not the usual type of leader!

If you’ve ever felt odd, not quite fitting with everyone else, a bit of a misfit, then Ehud is your man. An unusual choice as a leader, God picked a man no one else would have looked at to rescue his people. Definitely encouraging for those who don’t quite tick all the normal boxes!

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Tags: leadership self-esteem courage gifts


Pick a side

As Spiderman famously said 'With great power comes great responsibility'. Eli could have done with that advice! If you've ever struggled to do the right thing, or to stand your ground and have integrity in your faith - here's a man to learn from; High Priest of Israel - but a man whose heart and actions didn't always match. Take a look, but be warned - it's not a pretty story!

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Tags: integrity courage family leadership


The God of Encouragement

A mighty man of God, hero of the Old Testament – who reaches the end of himself. An encouragement for those of us who run out of energy, hope and courage – this is the very human story of a man who just couldn’t cope anymore and how God met him in that place.

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Tags: courage faith suffering conflict


God in Control

‘If I die, I die!’ The words of a young woman trapped in the court of a Babylonian dictator. Esther is inspiring for anyone who finds themselves trying to follow God in situations beyond their control. If you feel in need some courage – Esther’s your girl!

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Tags: courage faith integrity initiative


A Reputation worth having!

What do you think your reputation is? What would you like it to be? Who do you go to for advice when you’re in a dilemma? What sort of help do you seek out? Huldah is a relatively unknown prophetess from times of great trouble in Judah. She offered wise, godly, honest council to those who needed help. She offers us an example of how to ‘speak the truth in love’, rather than speak the truth unkindly, or avoid the truth rather than cause offense. Take a look, see how she might inspire you!

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Tags: courage faith gifts integrity leadership


Guts & Glory!

Ever struggled to get your head around all that violence in the Bible? Ever been camping? Put those two things together and you get Jael; a woman with tent pegs who you wouldn’t mess with! She raises some questions for us about gender, war and courage... read on!

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Tags: courage initiative violence gifts conflict


God’s heart for the little ones!

How do you feel about children? Whether we love them & long for our own, or don’t quite know what to do with them; God has strong feelings about kids. Jehosheba; a royal princess in a time of political instability is a great example of courage, generosity and risk taking for the sake of a child that wasn’t hers. Whether you are a mother, wish you were, or don’t know the first thing about changing nappies, this study will help you ponder the question of how God would have his daughters (and sons) view children!

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Tags: courage initiative relationships children suffering


A patient, merciful God

Here’s a man who didn’t like the job God gave him – but thorough a long and humbling journey discovered who God really was. Many of us can empathise with Jonah – but it would be great to learn from his mistakes rather than have to make them ourselves!

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Tags: forgiveness courage faith gifts


Friends to the end

Jonathan is one of my favourite men of the Old Testament. If they made a film of his story I’m sure someone muscular and dashing would get the part! He’s a proper ‘boy’s own’ action hero, but he’s also a man who is often overshadowed by his great friend King David.

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Tags: conflict courage integrity relationships


Have you ever felt overlooked? Taken for granted? Are there times when it seems like no one notices or cares what you do? Do you sometimes feel like the odd one out – a woman in a man’s world maybe? Meet Junia, and her husband Andronicas – the forgotten apostle, a woman worth reflecting on.

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Tags: leadership initiative courage gifts self-esteem faith


It was all going so well...

Lot started out with real potential and opportunity - never mind great wealth! But in contrast to his uncle Abram he struggled to trust God, often took the easy option and put his faith in human strength. His is not a happy story but it is a powerful warning for us to keep our eyes fixed on the God and not get drawn into finding our security in other places!

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Tags: courage initiative faith

Naaman's Slave girl

A Nameless Girl with Remarkable Faith

How can we hold on to God when everything is going wrong? How can we genuinely sing, ‘When the darkness closes in, still I will say ‘blessed be the name of the Lord’’? Here’s a little girl who might inspire us in what it means to follow God when we are in a dark place personally!

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Tags: courage faith integrity suffering

Nympha, Lydia and Mary

I wonder how you do with sharing?

We know very little about these three women. They are often overlooked; 'invisible' in the biblical story but what they model to us about courage, sacrifice and above all hospitality is really challenging. At a time when so many in the world are desperate for refuge and need help, Nympha, Mary and Lydia are among those from the first century who might inspire us to think about how to steward all God has blessed us with in a really practical way.

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Tags: courage leadership generosity


Facing your fears

Has God ever asked you to take a risk for him? Did you do it, or was it too daunting a prospect? Do you face risking people’s disapproval if they knew about your faith? Do you feel like you’ve already done your share, made enough sacrifices? Obadiah would sympathise with those sentiments – but God had one more challenge for him. How he dealt with it might help us deal with our anxieties about following God too.

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Tags: courage faith


Refusing to give up

How do you respond to injustice in the world? What about when it's against you? What if there seems to be nothing you can do about it? Rizpah knows all about slander and injustice - but even in a situation where she had no power, she still showed courage that shamed the powerful. I bet you've never heard of her - but she was a brave lady!

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Tags: courage suffering violence


A God of generosity

In the middle of a dark time in Israel’s history one story shines out, little people who obey God and are honoured by him. It may be the ‘chick lit’ of the Bible, but the book of Ruth has lessons for us all ( Both men & women!) about what courage and integrity mean.

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Tags: courage faith relationships money integrity suffering

Shiprah, Puah and the defiant women of Exodus 1

Fighting evil however we can

Things were bleak for God’s people in Exodus Chapter 1; tyranny appeared to be winning. And yet, 5 women and girls fought back with whatever power they had. This ancient story resonates with so much of the horror we see across the world today but offers hope and inspiration for us all to challenge evil whatever our circumstances.

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Tags: children courage family initiative suffering violence


The woman who refused to be a Victim

Low self esteem? The victim of bad relationships? Many of us struggle with experiences we’ve had that have crushed our confidence, made us feel useless or worthless. Tamar is a young woman who’d recognise those experiences. She might also inspire us to re-think how we see ourselves, and view our futures.

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Tags: courage relationships conflict initiative self-esteem suffering


A safe pair of hands

Overlooked by modern readers, always in the background of Paul's letters, but pivotal to his ministry, Tychicus was clearly a pillar of the early church. Traveller, comforter, messenger and exhorter this is a man who poured out his life in service of the gospel. In a world where people crave 'likes' and want things to be instant, he demonstrates a life of unassuming but faithful service we could all learn a thing or two from.

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Tags: courage faith integrity leadership relationships