Cloud of Witnesses

Studies tagged with 'family'

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Pick a side

As Spiderman famously said 'With great power comes great responsibility'. Eli could have done with that advice! If you've ever struggled to do the right thing, or to stand your ground and have integrity in your faith - here's a man to learn from; High Priest of Israel - but a man whose heart and actions didn't always match. Take a look, but be warned - it's not a pretty story!

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Tags: integrity courage family leadership

Shiprah, Puah and the defiant women of Exodus 1

Fighting evil however we can

Things were bleak for God’s people in Exodus Chapter 1; tyranny appeared to be winning. And yet, 5 women and girls fought back with whatever power they had. This ancient story resonates with so much of the horror we see across the world today but offers hope and inspiration for us all to challenge evil whatever our circumstances.

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Tags: children courage family initiative suffering violence