Cloud of Witnesses

Studies tagged with 'suffering'

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In it for the long haul!

Do you feel positive about your life – or have you been disappointed by the shape it’s taken? If you feel that you’ve taken a battering and wonder where God is in that, or how to hold on to him, Anna is a great example of someone who worked that out.  If you want someone to inspire you to keep going, through thick and thin then this woman might be just what you need.

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Tags: faith integrity relationships suffering


The God of Encouragement

A mighty man of God, hero of the Old Testament – who reaches the end of himself. An encouragement for those of us who run out of energy, hope and courage – this is the very human story of a man who just couldn’t cope anymore and how God met him in that place.

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Tags: courage faith suffering conflict


God’s heart for the little ones!

How do you feel about children? Whether we love them & long for our own, or don’t quite know what to do with them; God has strong feelings about kids. Jehosheba; a royal princess in a time of political instability is a great example of courage, generosity and risk taking for the sake of a child that wasn’t hers. Whether you are a mother, wish you were, or don’t know the first thing about changing nappies, this study will help you ponder the question of how God would have his daughters (and sons) view children!

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Tags: courage initiative relationships children suffering


Life is a roller coaster!’ So said Westlife, Joseph would probably agree. If yours feels like that sometimes too, it might be worth considering his story ( It’s not just about technicolour dreamcoats you know!)

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Tags: faith forgiveness integrity leadership suffering

Naaman's Slave girl

A Nameless Girl with Remarkable Faith

How can we hold on to God when everything is going wrong? How can we genuinely sing, ‘When the darkness closes in, still I will say ‘blessed be the name of the Lord’’? Here’s a little girl who might inspire us in what it means to follow God when we are in a dark place personally!

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Tags: courage faith integrity suffering


Refusing to give up

How do you respond to injustice in the world? What about when it's against you? What if there seems to be nothing you can do about it? Rizpah knows all about slander and injustice - but even in a situation where she had no power, she still showed courage that shamed the powerful. I bet you've never heard of her - but she was a brave lady!

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Tags: courage suffering violence


A God of generosity

In the middle of a dark time in Israel’s history one story shines out, little people who obey God and are honoured by him. It may be the ‘chick lit’ of the Bible, but the book of Ruth has lessons for us all ( Both men & women!) about what courage and integrity mean.

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Tags: courage faith relationships money integrity suffering

Sheerah & Shallum's Daughters

Building something significant

What do we do with painful experiences from our past? Times we’ve suffered? These women used their history to build a future for themselves and their families. Remarkable for their time they are an example of how God can use his people in practical ways to demonstrate his love for those in trouble.

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Tags: leadership initiative suffering gifts

Shiprah, Puah and the defiant women of Exodus 1

Fighting evil however we can

Things were bleak for God’s people in Exodus Chapter 1; tyranny appeared to be winning. And yet, 5 women and girls fought back with whatever power they had. This ancient story resonates with so much of the horror we see across the world today but offers hope and inspiration for us all to challenge evil whatever our circumstances.

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Tags: children courage family initiative suffering violence


The woman who refused to be a Victim

Low self esteem? The victim of bad relationships? Many of us struggle with experiences we’ve had that have crushed our confidence, made us feel useless or worthless. Tamar is a young woman who’d recognise those experiences. She might also inspire us to re-think how we see ourselves, and view our futures.

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Tags: courage relationships conflict initiative self-esteem suffering

The Shunammite Woman

Faith and Disappointment

How do people grow in faith? What about when things don’t work out the way we hoped? A woman from the distant past, from a place called Shunem might give us some pointers.

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Tags: faith initiative money suffering