Cloud of Witnesses

Studies tagged with 'forgiveness'

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Rebuke and Redemption

Gehazi, the little-known servant of Elisha gets a bad press – and he certainly has his flaws, however his story is more complicated than we might have considered. It shows that even those who make terrible errors are not beyond the compassion of God, and I suspect he’d be whispering to us all to learn from his mistakes whilst knowing God’s grace never runs out.

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Tags: faith forgiveness money integrity

John Mark

A man who blew it

John Mark blew it, let his team down, bottled out. This study looks at second chances, how we react to mistakes (both our own & others) what the bible teaches about forgiveness, and the potential God sees even in those who are less than perfect!

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Tags: forgiveness relationships integrity gifts


A patient, merciful God

Here’s a man who didn’t like the job God gave him – but thorough a long and humbling journey discovered who God really was. Many of us can empathise with Jonah – but it would be great to learn from his mistakes rather than have to make them ourselves!

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Tags: forgiveness courage faith gifts


Life is a roller coaster!’ So said Westlife, Joseph would probably agree. If yours feels like that sometimes too, it might be worth considering his story ( It’s not just about technicolour dreamcoats you know!)

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Tags: faith forgiveness integrity leadership suffering


Why should he get all the credit?

Have you ever felt frustrated with your leaders? Ever been involved in gossip about them? Or maybe you are a leader who finds the criticisms of others painful? The book of exodus and very human actions of Miriam give us food for thought on how to deal with those frustrations.

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Tags: leadership relationships forgiveness